
Daniela was born in Livorno, Italy, on January 6°, 1980.       

In 1998, she graduated from the High School of Arts in Ravenna, Italy. In 2006, she graduated from The Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, majoring in painting, achieving top marks with honors and distinction. Having always been instilled with a great passion for photography, Daniela took a photography course at the Ettore Rolli school in Rome, while attending university. She also has many other experiences in the artistic environment, such as restoration, scenography & theatre/cinema photography; This has brought her to identify the attitude of her creativity. She loves to travel, physically and mentally, and her most recent trips have left a profound mark on her mind as well as on her perception of the human spirit. In search of a way to express the language of her soul, she continues to research the unity of photography and painting. In 2008, she initiated her experimental study of printing on wax and of the way in which the material transforms when placed on different supports.  In 2009 she collaborated with the Faculty of Astronomy at the University of Nottingham with her project titled “From micro to macro”, exhibiting in the Salles Miro dell’ UNESCO Headquarters in Paris for the International years of Astronomy 2009. In the same year, she won a “Late Spring” European Scholarship in the photography section with the Visual Arts Institute of Florence, in collaboration with GAI. In 2011, she placed third in the “Premio Biennale Carlo Bonatto Minella”, initiated by the Association AreaCreativa42 and in collaboration with the Association Villa Vallero. Also in 2011, she participated in the project “Seguendo il cammino di Marco Polo” (Following in the footsteps of Marco Polo) in collaboration with the Confesercenti Venezia and the Venecian Expo Committee with the Hangzhou Cultural Brand Promotion Organization for the year of Chinese culture in Italy. This project was exhibited and reviewed in the same year by the “Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa” in Venice and in 2012 by the “Henlu Art Gallery” in Hangzhou, China. In 2012 it was selected for the “International Art Contest” competition, exhibited in “Hillyer Art Space” in Washington, D.C.  In 2013, Daniela won a 6-month residency at the above mentioned art gallery. This experience helped her to understand the American artistic panorama. In April, 2013 she was awarded another artistic residency in “Visarts” art center in Rockville, Washington, D.C. with her project titled “Simultaneous”. This was based on the creation of a new hybrid identity meshed between the Italian and American cultures. From 2014 to 2016, she lived in Ecuador where she exhibited her art in several galleries. At the end of 2016, she returned to Europe; Seville, Spain in particular, in order to continue her studies. She began her Masters’ studies of contemporary art of “Idea and Production” at the University of Seville in the Faculty of Fine Arts.  In 2018 she finished her Masters’ degree with her thesis titled “SINCOPART”, a dialogue on time amongst art and music. She was the winner of the “Contemporarte” photography contest of Huelva, Spain, organized by the “Atalaya Project”. She also participated in the “Hoja de Sala” exposition of the Fundacion Valentin de Madarioga of Seville, in collaboration with the Catalan artist Francesc Torres and the Fine Arts Faculty of the University of Seville. In September 2020, she was selected for an artistic residency in ”Open Studios Faro” Portugal with the project on quarantine. Her artistic works are closely connected with photography and painting in which the wax is the unifying piece, holding both together.

She currently lives and works in Seville, Spain.